Thursday, February 22, 2024

Learning from the class 2

Cutting the Cord

Cutting the cord, a term some have heard others probably not, and when I first heard this term for some reason I envisioned the umbilical one. When you understand what this is referring to however, it makes much more sense.

 Cutting the cord refers to the canceling of cable television by families in favor of wireless methods of receiving programs. These programs include internet protocol television, digital terrestrial television and satellite television. Internet protocol refers to TV programming available over an internet stream. Digital terrestrial refers to TV transmitted from radio frequencies. Satellite refers to TV received through a satellite, typically through a paid subscription. 

Usually, however, cutting the cord refers to free to air satellite televisions. This is due to the expense of cable compared to other more affordable, better mediums. This is very common in the majority of American homes, as most people use things like Roku, to give them access to the streaming sites such as Netflix and HBO. For news, the satellite is your friend, however in our current society a lot of people use the internet or apps for their news.

What has this done for us as a society and how has it impacted our daily way of viewing entertainment, news, etc. It allowed entertainment to transition to different kind of commercial content, that of shorter ads with less ad time. It created a new form of news, as I stated earlier, it say television news get less popular. As seen throughout history it affects the old and the young quite differently. While the young seem to be born with a grasp of technology, it seems to slip the grasp of the old. Meaning, the old will probably stick to what they are used to as if it ain't broke, don't fix it. There is also the rich vs. the poor, as the rich are able to pay for the better subscriptions, having them view less ads, while the poor can only get the basic, if any, subscriptions. This has lead to an increase in piracy, which is the downloading of paid content illegally for free, to which I am a modern day Blackbeard. It has effected me, and I'm sure all reading this, as we use streaming sites and satellite to view our entertainment or information, and there is not shot in hell I'm going back.

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