Thursday, January 11, 2024

Top 5 News Sources

1. Instagram -

I get a lot of information about things happening in the world from Instagram. Information ranging from what's going on in the sports world with my favorite teams and players to a little bit of politics and current events that are happening.

2. My Mother (Not my actual Mother pictured)

I do not really watch a lot of news, or really any, at least not on the television. However, my mother does and she likes to talk to me about what is going on in the world; so if I do see some news on the TV it is because she has it on in the living room and I may listen in for a little. She will also reiterate to me a bit of what she's watched and give me her own opinion to follow, back it up, or dispute it. She watches a lot of Fox.

3. My friends

Like myself, at least to my knowledge, most of my friends do not pay too much attention to the TV or social media news, but some of them do. They will bring up discussions amongst our peers about what is going on, to which I sit and listen because I do not really feel confident giving information due to the fact I feel I don't know what I'm talking about. 

4. The internet -

Since I do not really watch a lot of news or pay attention to a lot of politics, sometimes I will hear about something from my friends or maybe see a little preview of something on social media and will turn to the internet to find out more information if it intrigues me. It is definitely the source with the most information, but there is also so much information and bias on the internet so it's hard to determine what to believe/agree with



5. The radio

Every now and then when I am driving with my Mom she will have the radio on and it could be talking about anything Philly sports or good ol' fashioned politics. I mostly only listen to the sports stuff because I hate politics; in fact, I stopped pursuing being a lobbyist because I loathe the thought of working for politicians. However, every now and then something will perk my ears and I will listen thoughtfully and intently.

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