Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Antiwar Blog

 Why Stop War When it Brings Home The $$$

The 60s Antiwar Movement in the US and How it can Inspire us Today

    It seems like a no brainer when you think countries and nations should not go to war, so why is it that people who are "antiwar" are rarely heard in the media, even today. The two sites, "" and "The American Conservative", are sites I can definitely say I have never heard of, or hear about in news or media. Yet these sites are packed full with protests against the war, supported with lots of articles and videos as evidence for their position. The reason news media does not cover these types of opinions and there is a necessary search for views such as these is because war allows for the government to make money and infringe upon our rights and civil liberties. 

Governments like to hide behind the term "necessary evil" when justifying wars and/or proposing to go to war. While to some it may seem for the betterment of the country or even make the world a better place, to others it is a waste of human lives, money, and resources. Like CCR said, "I ain't no fortunate born", the ones who profit most from war are the elite and the government. Like System of the Down said, "why do they always send the poor?", in reference to the people who actually have to go out and sacrifice in times of war. Song could be considered the best way to put an opinion out there against the war, so long as it is catchy, because it is the one way to get that viewpoint out to the masses without, in a sense, being censored.

As long as the government and elite can profit off the war, the voices against will continue to be suppressed and not put at the forefront of news and media. While the government and its officials may pretend to be against the war and hurt by the number of casualties arising, I'm sure there are some who actually are, as long as they are sitting pretty not having to go to war and turning some profit, they honestly do not give a rats ass and war is that necessary evil they love so much. 

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