Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Eight Values of Free Expression

The Eight Values of Free Expression

The Power of Free Expression in America: Harris, Frank, Dunklee, Jerry:  9781516545094: Books

The Statue Of Liberty Represent Freedom, Democracy (and Much More!)

How important is the idea of freedom and liberty that this great country was founded upon to you? To me it is pretty damn important, as it is the most known and appreciated factor which makes America the nation it is today. The eight values of free expression, without going into detail are; Marketplace of Ideas, Participation of Self-Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-Fulfillment,  Check on Government Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent. These are the philosophies and ideas of the incredible men who instilled these eight values into our country.

Three critiques of the marketplace of ideas | prior probabilityOf those values, the one that resonated the most with me was that of John Milton, the Marketplace of Ideas value. This is when truth and falsehood are allowed to freely grapple, the truth will win out. And the grappling makes the truth even stronger. The idea behind the Marketplace of Ideas is that people should be allowed to say things that are false, because when those ideas go against those of the truth, the truth will end out on top. This resonated with me the most because it feels like a very strong representation of what democracy is about in our country. The idea that people can debate and argue their ideas and even though one is wrong, whether the person is aware of that or not, the truth will reign supreme is truly fascinating and makes sense. I feel that Milton was also trying to get at the fact that people will also come to understand the truth and the reason that it is so.

However, the value that I think is most important to our country is that of Individual Self-Fulfillment: Free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity - and in the process perhaps, find kindred spirits. Individuality is perhaps the most important thing a society needs to understand and accept if it are to be ideal and functioning. Individuality is also a strong identity that separates us from the government, and allows the government to be controlled by those who are governed as stated in Professor Dean Smith's prerequisite for democracy. While people will be individuals, as stated in the value, it could also potentially bring out kindred spirits, which means those who share the same attitudes and characteristics. While it could, but does not necessarily, it does not take away from the individuality of the peoples. 

Tom Spanbauer quote: Identity is your role in life, the part you play...

When the Censor Comes - Freedom to ReadThe two values that I believe associate most with what is going on in our world today is the Check on Governmental Power  the freedom of the press enables citizens to learn about abuses of power — and then do something about the abuse at the ballot box if they feel so moved; the other is Promote Tolerance  It has been argued that freedom of speech, especially through our practice of extending protection to speech that we find hateful or personally upsetting, teaches us to become more tolerant in other aspects of life — and that a more tolerant society is a better society. We, along with the press, are part of the check-and-balance system to restrains government power and the abuse of it. There is a lot of censorship going on in the current United States of America, for example, "Murthy v. Missouri"(formerly "Biden v. Missouri") is a court case where Missouri, Louisiana, and many other private plaintiffs alleged that the first amendment was violated by federal officials who were coercing social media companies get rid of or dismiss their platforms content. This is a clear example of censorship that the people who the government are instated for should be made aware of. This is a perfect example of abuse of power, so the people must be aware so they can do something about it if they see fit. Therefore, we will not end up in a society where the government controls what the people say and see. Another big vehicle for censorship is cancel culture, which in my opinion is stupid in most cases. This culture will claim offense for others', who honestly may not even be offended, and cancel someone who said or did something in the past when times were different. I'm not saying that makes it ok, however, if those people were to understand the promotion of tolerance, they would understand that society as a whole begins to understand these things and that's how we evolve.

It is truly amazing how these values, although created and thought about a long time ago, still hold value to this very day and should very much continue to be studied and materialized.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Supreme Court


United States Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court has been around for over 200 years, and with that, there are years of knowledge, history, and inevitable change. The video on the Supreme Court reiterated information that I already knew like basic information of the Supreme Court - i.e. 9 justices serve - and a lot of things that I had never known or heard before. Something that I feel is a common theme for me is that there are a lot of things I need to read up on more and delve into.


I learned many things about the Supreme Court through the video, such as the fact that the Supreme Court remains the most powerful body in the world. There have been a total of just over 100 justices who have served on the court, serving an average of 16 years. I also learned that the citizens of the US have not always accepted the power of the Supreme Court, before a man named John Marshall that is, who helped establish a principle known as "judicial review" in the famous case "Marbury V. Madison"

                                                                                                                  John Marshall

I also learned that the Supreme Court receives over 7000 cases a year, they accept roughly 100 a year and a justice reviews them once a week; along with the fact that the justices are independent and do their own work. The most surprising thing I learned, also my biggest takeaway, is the confirmation process. It is a very important process in which the nominee is confirmed into the Court and essentially separates themselves from civil opinion and influence and makes them their own entity. Another strength they have is that they can check the actions of both other branches of the U.S. government.

The video drastically changed the way I think about the Supreme Court, honestly, it taught me a lot about it. Especially the fact that the Supreme Court is not an entity of 9 justices who think the same and work together. It is a composition of entities that each have their own opinion and work together to decide what is, or isn't, constitutional. It also changed the way I think about the justices, the same idea of being their own person and deciding everything based upon their own opinion and that of their colleagues

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Top 5 News Sources

1. Instagram -

I get a lot of information about things happening in the world from Instagram. Information ranging from what's going on in the sports world with my favorite teams and players to a little bit of politics and current events that are happening.

2. My Mother (Not my actual Mother pictured)

I do not really watch a lot of news, or really any, at least not on the television. However, my mother does and she likes to talk to me about what is going on in the world; so if I do see some news on the TV it is because she has it on in the living room and I may listen in for a little. She will also reiterate to me a bit of what she's watched and give me her own opinion to follow, back it up, or dispute it. She watches a lot of Fox.

3. My friends

Like myself, at least to my knowledge, most of my friends do not pay too much attention to the TV or social media news, but some of them do. They will bring up discussions amongst our peers about what is going on, to which I sit and listen because I do not really feel confident giving information due to the fact I feel I don't know what I'm talking about. 

4. The internet -

Since I do not really watch a lot of news or pay attention to a lot of politics, sometimes I will hear about something from my friends or maybe see a little preview of something on social media and will turn to the internet to find out more information if it intrigues me. It is definitely the source with the most information, but there is also so much information and bias on the internet so it's hard to determine what to believe/agree with



5. The radio

Every now and then when I am driving with my Mom she will have the radio on and it could be talking about anything Philly sports or good ol' fashioned politics. I mostly only listen to the sports stuff because I hate politics; in fact, I stopped pursuing being a lobbyist because I loathe the thought of working for politicians. However, every now and then something will perk my ears and I will listen thoughtfully and intently.

Relationship with technology

 Technology: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly I have been exposed to technology since the day I gained consciousness, and in turn I feel I have h...